How to handle multiple feature images per post

There is a great plugin for this:

These are the bits of code needed to use the plugin.

I add this code to the functions file. It sets up new feature images and assigns custom sizes for them if necessary:

//Add Custom Feature Images if the Multiple Feature Image plugin or code has be activated or embedded/
if (class_exists('MultiPostThumbnails')) {
    // Add custom images for the members post type
	new MultiPostThumbnails(
			'label' => 'Museum Logo',
			'id' => 'museum-logo',
			'post_type' => 'members',
     new MultiPostThumbnails(
			'label' => 'Museum Photo',
			'id' => 'museum-photo',
			'post_type' => 'members',
	// Add custom image for the staff post type
	new MultiPostThumbnails(
			'label' => 'Staff Member Photo',
			'id' => 'staff-photo',
			'post_type' => 'staff',
	add_image_size('members-museum-logo-sm', 210, 135, true); // Used for the homepage bx slider
	add_image_size('members-museum-photo-feature', 600, 200, true);
	add_image_size('staff-staff-photo-medium', 200, 200, true);

Then I use this code in my template files to display the new selection of feature images for each post:

                if (class_exists('MultiPostThumbnails')
                && MultiPostThumbnails::has_post_thumbnail('members', 'museum-logo')) :
                    echo '<div id="post-featured-image">';
                        //MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail('members', 'secondary-image');
                        MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail('members', 'museum-logo', NULL, 'museum-museum-logo-three-col-content');
                    echo '<div class="post-image-shadow"></div>';
                    echo '</div><!-- /single-image -->';
                else :

If the post image is required outside of the loop I have used two different methods.

Option one if a simple standard loop will work:

                if (class_exists('MultiPostThumbnails')
                && MultiPostThumbnails::has_post_thumbnail('members', 'museum-logo')) :
                    echo '<div id="post-featured-image">';
                        //MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail('members', 'secondary-image');
                        MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail('members', 'museum-logo', NULL, 'museum-museum-logo-three-col-content');
                    echo '<div class="post-image-shadow"></div>';
                    echo '</div><!-- /single-image -->';
                else :

Option two if you need to get the post id inorder to make a query and get the image:

		global $wp_query;
		$postid = $wp_query->post->ID;
		$membersSlideshowQueryArgs = array(
			'post_type' => 'members',
			'p' => $postid,
			//'meta_key' => '_thumbnail_id',
			//'order_by' => title,
			//'order' => ASC,
	$membersSlideshowQuery = new WP_Query();
    //$membersSlideshowQuery->query( $membersSlideshowQueryArgs );
	$membersSlideshowQuery = new WP_Query( $membersSlideshowQueryArgs );
	if ($membersSlideshowQuery->have_posts()) : $count = 0;

		$membersSlideshowImageSize = 'members-museum-photo-feature';
		$imgwidth = 600; // thumbnail's width
		$imgheight = 200; // thumbnail's height

	while ($membersSlideshowQuery->have_posts()) : $membersSlideshowQuery->the_post(); $count++;

		$currentSlideTitle = get_the_title();

		if (class_exists('MultiPostThumbnails')
		&& MultiPostThumbnails::has_post_thumbnail('members', 'museum-photo')) :

				MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail('members', 'museum-photo', NULL, 'members-museum-photo-feature', array('class'=>'','title'=>$currentSlideTitle,'alt'=>''));

		else : // this is the else statement for the MULTIPOSTTHUMBNAILS class existing or not

		endif; // END MULTIPOSTTHUMBNAILS class existing or not

		$currentSlideTitle = NULL;


		//echo "This query returned: $count posts.";



Wait there’s more!

This post tells you how to integrate the plugin in to your theme so you don’t have to depend on a plugin being avtivated:

These are the important steps:

  1. Download the files for the Multiple Post Thumbnails Plugin to your computer
  2. Unzip the files and copy them to a sub-directory in your theme file. There are only two files you will needmulti-post-thumbnails.php and multi-post-thumbnails-admin.js. In my case i’ve placed the PHP file in alibrary sub-directory in my theme and the JavaScript file in a sub-directory called js inside library.
    > theme-name
       > library
         - multi-post-thumbnails.php
         > js
           - multi-post-thumbnails-admin.js
  3. Once that’s done you need to make a small tweak to the multi-post-thumbnails.php file.
    From this (line 143)

    <div><code>public</code> <code>function</code> <code>enqueue_admin_scripts() {</code></div>
    <div><code>    </code><code>wp_enqueue_script(</code><code>"featured-image-custom"</code><code>, plugins_url(</code><code>basename</code><code>(dirname(</code><code>__FILE__</code><code>)) . </code><code>'/js/multi-post-thumbnails-admin.js'</code><code>), </code><code>array</code><code>(</code><code>'jquery'</code><code>));</code></div>

    to this:)

    <div><code>public</code> <code>function</code> <code>enqueue_admin_scripts() {</code></div>
    <div><code>    </code><code>$template_url</code> <code>= get_bloginfo(</code><code>'template_url'</code><code>) . </code><code>'/js/multi-post-thumbnails-admin.js'</code><code>;</code></div>
    <div><code>    </code><code>wp_enqueue_script(</code><code>"featured-image-custom"</code><code>,  </code><code>$template_url</code><code>, </code><code>array</code><code>(</code><code>'jquery'</code><code>));</code></div>
  4. Then go back to your functions.php file and add the following.It’s usually a good idea to keep these inclusions at the beginning of your functions.php file so they are included before you try to use any of the functions they add.
    <pre>// Load external file to add support for MultiPostThumbnails. Allows you to set more than one "feature image" per post.

Check the link for how Lars was using the plugin in his loops.

Thank you – That’s all!


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