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Google Apps Standard for Free

I strongly suggest every web developer should own a domain, that helps you to understand the real time web system. The web giant Google offering a free tool called Google Apps Standard Edition you will get Gmail, GTalk, GCal, and Gdocs. This post explains how to setup the free Google Apps Standard for your domain.
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Live Demo Step 1 Go to Google App Standard here you have to add the domain.
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 2 Choose custom setup click Go Custom button.
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 3 Now the domain owner verification.
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 4 You can verify the domain uploading a HTML file with specified files name.
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 5 Other way of verification you can include this META tag in domain index page.
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 6 After domain verification the following success message will apear.
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 7 Now creating team emails.
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 8 Go to Organization & users click Create a new user button and you can create team user email.
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 9 It will success message popup.
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 10 In Organization & users tab contains all the team emails list.
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 11 By default Google App provide you mail access URL click change URL link and setup custom URL like
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 12 You can choose your custom URL here.
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 13 Now you have to modify the domain CNAME record
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 14 Open a new tab login into you domain provier site like Godaddy, Bigrock etc, Go to the domain DNS settings and add mail CNAME points to Google
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 15 You have add MX records in following way and save the DNS settings.
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 16 Now back to Google App page go to Domain settings tab click Appearanceupload your logo
Google Apps Standard for Free.
Step 17 Now the email application ready.
Google Apps Standard for Free.


  • September 2, 2015 @ 14:26:05 [Current Revision] by PeterLugg
  • September 2, 2015 @ 14:26:05 by PeterLugg
  • October 18, 2012 @ 05:44:27 by PeterLugg

Revision Differences

October 18, 2012 @ 05:44:27Current Revision
 Added: <div>I strongly suggest every web developer should own a domain, that helps you to understand the real time web system. The web giant Google offering a free tool called <a href="https:/ / standard/new3">Google Apps Standard Edition</a> you will get Gmail, GTalk, GCal, and Gdocs. This post explains how to setup the free Google Apps Standard for your domain.</div>
Deleted: Added: &nbsp;
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -uaNMogFULa8/ T_AdPFCQ-UI/ AAAAAAAAGK8/FLsYJrC6Nc4/ s550/banner.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <a name="more"></a>
 Added: <a href="http://" target="_blank"><img src=" files/2012/10/live.png" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />Live Demo</a>
 Added: <strong>Step 1</strong>
 Added: Go to <a href="https:/ / standard/new3">Google App Standard</a> here you have to add the domain.
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -FurEK0Akf0c/ T_B0yjMWSaI/ AAAAAAAAGLQ/0piF- gnS37Q/s550/s1.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 2</strong>
 Added: Choose custom setup click <em>Go Custom</em> button.
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -X2-Azw9q0CE/ T_B0y7-kmeI/ AAAAAAAAGLU/H6ADFlRhXEM/ s550/s2.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 3</strong>
 Added: Now the domain owner verification.
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -AGeqV6LxkeU/ T_B0zciWrNI/ AAAAAAAAGLY/Hhs3JU8Bxjo/ s550/s3.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 4</strong>
 Added: You can verify the domain uploading a HTML file with specified files name.
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -u_eSpg5GuV0/ T_B01CZEL3I/ AAAAAAAAGLs/nhTRLcs9tU4/ s550/s4.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 5</strong>
 Added: Other way of verification you can include this META tag in domain index page.
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -zJjuPAPlUVI/ T_B00uZAQpI/ AAAAAAAAGLw/xCQ6kTDBCf4/ s550/s5.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 6</strong>
 Added: After domain verification the following success message will apear.
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -Yh4RENQ6IjQ/ T_B00laxM_I/ AAAAAAAAGLo/FGQDD5UHnpY/ s550/s6.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 7</strong>
 Added: Now creating team emails.
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -jeHyGUtYvug/ T_B02E7VsrI/ AAAAAAAAGL4/LUdtnJZN7Q4/ s550/s7.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 8</strong>
 Added: Go to <em>Organization &amp; users</em> click <em>Create a new user</em> button and you can create team user email.
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -bi_LYh6gkeg/ T_B02cdtn4I/ AAAAAAAAGME/_ f3Q3BiOzyA/s322/s8.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 9</strong>
 Added: It will success message popup.
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -FHuyJZ6Nqb8/ T_B021ij_ZI/ AAAAAAAAGMA/UO2tWEncN0o/ s366/s9.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 10</strong>
 Added: In Organization &amp; users tab contains all the team emails list.
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -V0YGDPqQ3aE/ T_CLgA95xLI/ AAAAAAAAGMs/cYVl_ OxWQ2g/s550/s91.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 11</strong>
 Added: By default Google App provide you mail access URL<em>http:/ / a/</em> click change URL link and setup custom URL like <em>http: //</em>
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -Rmy0lCO8AE0/ T_CLgAWkpoI/ AAAAAAAAGM0/jQ_ V3qf_2Jg/s550/s92.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 12</strong>
 Added: You can choose your custom URL here.
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -Ouehc1EIy4w/ T_CLgP42KbI/ AAAAAAAAGMw/WKCcyGNcqlg/ s550/s93.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 13</strong>
 Added: Now you have to modify the domain CNAME record
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -aCjueXGbfSU/ T_CLhWh5s8I/ AAAAAAAAGNA/mkIapJJFj7w/ s550/s94.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 14</strong>
 Added: Open a new tab login into you domain provier site like Godaddy, Bigrock etc, Go to the domain DNS settings and add <em>mail</em> CNAME points to Google server<em></em>
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -qekhmk7g9CM/ T_CQCi8cElI/ AAAAAAAAGNg/Bu0Noszt2QI/ s550/cname.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 15</strong>
 Added: You have add MX records in following way and save the DNS settings.
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -N38D7s1eGVk/ T_CQFyqlyeI/ AAAAAAAAGNo/TDlaVCBOnk4/s550/ mxrecords.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 16</strong>
 Added: Now back to Google App page go to <em>Domain settings</em> tab click <em>Appearance</em>upload your logo
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -or7J0RnGKUo/ T_CLjuKyPSI/ AAAAAAAAGNM/90gBXaTpblQ/ s550/s96.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>
 Added: <strong>Step 17</strong>
 Added: Now the email application ready.
 Added: <div><img src="https:// -BmoNshnbTEg/ T_CRIXmWsyI/ AAAAAAAAGN8/_ jeRJom99x8/s550/mail.png" alt="Google Apps Standard for Free." /></div>

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.


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