Taken from Gist here: https://gist.github.com/mannieschumpert/8334811
Filter the submit button in Gravity Forms to change the <input type=”submit> element to a <button> element.
There’s an example in the Gravity Forms documentation, but it lacks the proper code to show your custom button text, AND removes important attributes like the onclick that prevents multiple clicks. I was trying to solve that.
function gf_make_submit_input_into_a_button_element($button_input, $form) { //save attribute string to $button_match[1] preg_match("/<input([^\/>]*)(\s\/)*>/", $button_input, $button_match); //remove value attribute $button_atts = str_replace("value='".$form['button']['text']."' ", "", $button_match[1]); return '<button '.$button_atts.'>'.$form['button']['text'].'<i class="fa fa-refresh"></i></button>'; } add_filter('gform_submit_button', 'gf_make_submit_input_into_a_button_element', 10, 2);
- May 1, 2015 @ 01:13:34 [Current Revision] by PeterLugg
- May 1, 2015 @ 01:13:34 by PeterLugg
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