All you have to do is include this block of code in your template the same way you would the regular <?php wp_list_pages();?>
tag. Page IDs that you would normally pass to exclude_tree go in the first line):
<?php $parent_pages_to_exclude = array(31,33,18,74); foreach($parent_pages_to_exclude as $parent_page_to_exclude) { if ($page_exclusions) { $page_exclusions .= ',' . $parent_page_to_exclude; } else { $page_exclusions = $parent_page_to_exclude; } $descendants = get_pages('child_of=' . $parent_page_to_exclude); foreach($descendants as $descendant) { $page_exclusions .= ',' . $descendant->ID; } } wp_list_pages('title_li=&sort_column=menu_order&exclude=' . $page_exclusions); ?>
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