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z-index & fixed position

A great article/blog post: The two fixed-position divs on this page are marked up as: and styled thus: Note that the lower, orange element has a z-index specified, whilst the first element doesn’t. The ul just below this text has a relative position. When the page is scrolled, and the orange div overlaps that list, all looks fine. When the green div overlaps  Full Article…


Reinstall Mac Operating System

This doesn’t require a CD or anything just an internet connection. Restart the Air When you hear start up Chime hit (and hold) the Option button Goto Drive options… (something like that disk utility?) and under the advanced tab reformat your HD. Reinstall OS (this is available through this start up utility, it goes out on the  Full Article…


How to prepare a Mac for sale

Taken from here: Step One – Back up your data: A. If you have any Virtual PCs shut them down. They cannot be in their “fast saved” state. They must be shut down from inside Windows. B. Clone to an external drive using using Carbon Copy Cloner. 1. Open Carbon Copy Cloner. 2. Select the Source volume from  Full Article…


How to speed up your website load times

Do you want your website to load blazing fast? This article will teach you how to make your website load faster than you ever thought possible. In order to understand why having a fast website is important, check out these statistics: the average smartphone user will leave a website if it does not load within  Full Article…


How to Dominate the Entire First Page of Google

Taken from: Search Engine Watch Your online reputation can impact virtually every aspect of your digital marketing program from the conversion rate on your pages to your click-through rate in paid search. Controlling the conversation around your brand is critical to upholding and improving reputation. In the long-term, monitoring social activity and proactively combating sources  Full Article…


Who is responsible for the text on your website?

Taken from here: I heard the expression the other day that “a camel is a horse designed by committee”. It’s true that when too many people are involved (“too many cooks spoil the broth”—another adage!) and too many viewpoints are shared, a group project can have unexpected results. A website is no different. There are  Full Article…