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Modifying queries with pre_get_posts

Written by Remi Corson. you can for example query only posts from a specific type and with a custom meta field key equal to a determined value. In the code below, we are targeting only custom post type called “portfolio” where meta key “project_type” is set to “design”, that’s a typical query that can be  Full Article…


Remove a category from the front-page.php

The correct way to do this is to make use of pre_get_posts which change the query vars just before the main query is executed. Here is an example from the codex to exclude categories from the home page/blog page. For a full list of available parameters and values that you can use with pre_get_posts, visit  Full Article…


Gravity forms access for clients

Taken from Gist: When using Gravity Forms on a client project, you might want the client to be able to view and manipulate form entries, without giving them administrator access. The user_has_cap filter allows us to add capabilities without changing the role in the database. This gist allows users with the editor role to  Full Article…


Change the Gravity Forms submit button

Taken from Gist here: Filter the submit button in Gravity Forms to change the <input type=”submit> element to a <button> element. There’s an example in the Gravity Forms documentation, but it lacks the proper code to show your custom button text, AND removes important attributes like the onclick that prevents multiple clicks. I was  Full Article…