The Cause: The error occurs because a function used to “escape” strings before being stored in the database has been deprecated. Escaping is the process of removing characters that can lead to SQL injection and XSS. The existing escape() function was deprecated in WordPress v3.6 RC2 and missed the previous released, and so may have Full Article…
Can’t add new or delete plugins or do updates in WordPress?
If you can’t add new or delete plugins or do updates in WordPress and you have admin or appropriate privileges then the DISALLOW_FILE_MODS constant might be causing you problems if it has been set to true. Open up your wp-config.php (or possibly functions.php) file and look for the following line/code: Simply comment it out or change Full Article…
Sublime Text – How to’s
Compare the differences between two files? Put the files into a folder and add the folder to the Sublime Text sidebar. You should now be able to select both files in the sidebar (or the folder) and with a right click select the ‘Diff’ option. Select columns? Using the Mouse OS X Left Mouse Button Full Article…
Delete WooCommerce comments type ‘Order Notes’
Run the following query on the database in PHPMyAdmin:
QNAP – Ts-410 Broken Raid 5 array – Resource Articles
This was a nightmare when the TS-410 went down. I currently don’t know what has happened. This post contains links to articles which have shed more light on the issues I believe I’m dealing with. Taken from support documents created by QNAP Taiwan: Taken from the QNAP support forums: Useful ssh commands: Full Article…