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Breadcrumbs for Taxonomy Pages

Taken from Bill Ericson: This post has been marked as old. The code might no longer work. Comments have been disabled as this is no longer maintained. Use the search on the right to find a newer tutorial. I’m working on a project right now that uses hierarchical taxonomies, and the client requested a breadcrumb along  Full Article…


Change role access to Menus and Widgets

WordPress menus and sidebars/widgets are really powerful modules, but unfortunately it requires Admin user role to edit them. If you would like to allow users with Editor user role to edit any of the widgets or menus, just paste the code below into your themes functions.php file.


monitor your website/webserver using PHP

As taken from this website: In order to make sure that your website is always available to the public, you have to monitor it. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how you can easily create a monitoring script that will check your website availability and send an email or sms alert to you if it  Full Article…


Setting up (Apache) Localhost subdomains

This took me ages to work out – I found most online tutroials were vague and/or referenced different files than what is found in my MoWeS installation. I have setup a local testing domain for CAMD: camd.loc I wanted to run a WP Multisite install with subdomains such as: members.camd.loc Anyway – this is what  Full Article…


Custom Post Type Archives & URLs

Templates and Heirarchy Default WP archives for Custom Post Types Here’s one little gem for accessing default genearted archives if you are using WordPress 3.1 or higher: This should query for “all custom posts about the theme named taco”. Plugin: Custom Post Type Archives Enables pretty permalink custom post type archives that will support  Full Article…


Remove Post Revisions through phpMyAdmin

Make sure you keep a good backup copy before proceeding with the amendments to your database. Also you can consider using a plugin to allow access to modify your db. Like this: WP-DBManager by Lester Chan. Be aware – you may need to change the name of the db tables for these commands to work  Full Article…


Gravity Forms CSS: Targeting Specific Elements

This awesome css guide for Gravity Forms was originally posted here: The team here at Rocketgenius is about to release Gravity Forms version 1.5 with several new features and enhancements. Along with these new features, we’ve introduced some new markup and form elements that I’m sure many people will want to style to match  Full Article…