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Some basic web app features to a website

How to hide the browser address bar: Use the Bookmark Bubble to suggest Android users add the site to their home screen Use the ‘Add to home screen’ to suggest iOS users add the site to their home screen


get_the_content() WITH formatting

See this post: Normally the get_the_content() tag returns the content without formatting. I found out a solution to makeget_the_content() tag return the same content as the_content(). In your theme, call the function within the loop:


How to use WooCommerce without a Products Page

Great information taken from here:   Written by chrislema on May 28, 2012 · 8 Comments   As I’ve been working on the Elegant PURL plugin site, I decided I wanted to sell premium versions of the plugin. The lite version would still be free over at but I wanted two versions available on the site. That meant setting up a little bit of  Full Article…


All about Network Admin access and site_admins

I lost access to teh network admin in a WordPress multisite install. This is the gas which got me back in control of it all! Apparent I caused problems with the Network admin permissions and access when I changed the admin username. When I reverted back to the admin username all access returned to normal.  Full Article…


Create QR Codes For WordPress Posts

QR can be used by mobile devices to scan and get bits of data, they can even be used to display a web page. They are starting to become more and more popular the more mobile devices are being used. But creating your own QR codes can be difficult and if you want one for  Full Article…


Secure WordPress Config File With htaccess

Your wp-config.php file stores all of your config variables for your WordPress site. If someone has access to this file they will be able to see your database username and password. When you first install WordPress there is a default wp-config-sample.php file which you need to rename and modify. To keep this secure you can  Full Article…