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Password Protect & Custom Password Form 404

Taken from: Are your password protected posts and pages broken since upgrading to WordPress 3.4? Here is a little tip for anyone out there who may be using a custom password form to protect individual pages and posts. WordPress has this functionality built into its core but it is possible to customize the wording and  Full Article…


Remove wrapping div and ul from output of wp_nav_menu

Removing the wrapping div is easy. When you use wp_nav_menu(), add this argument: ‘container’ => false For the <ul> element, there’s an argument called ‘items_wrap’. This will remove the ul:  ‘items_wrap’ => ‘%3$s’ Otherwise this function will remove the div for you:


Increase PHPAdmin import size for MAMP

Change the following values in php.ini upload_max_filesize post_max_filesize and memory_limit Save the file and restart MAMP. See this video for a demo:


Import and export WordPress post content with phpmyadmin

Taken from this support thread on the WordPress website:  Obviously remember to download and upload the latest files onto the server…….. When exporting from the database make sure you include the following tables: wp_comments wp_links wp_posts wp_posts_meta


Hide WordPress admin menus based on user roles

Taken from: Important Note: This tutorial is an alternative which is untried but looks very interesting. WP Tuts – Customising Your WordPress Admin WordPress can be a powerful content management system but if you have multiple users often some can end up with permissions that you really wish they didn’t have. There are plenty of plugins that will let you customize user  Full Article…


Fixing WordPress Upgrades & Plugin Installations with MAMP Pro Localhost

I do all of my WordPress development locally, and typically deploy that to a staging server, or sometimes a live server, using Beanstalk’s SVN deployment feature. I use a Mac for development, and MAMP Pro to run a localhost environment with multiple hosts (local.website1, localhost.website2, etc.). Occasionally I need to upgrade or install WordPress plugins  Full Article…