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Isotope in WordPress

Here are a bunch of links to pages where people discuss implementing Isotope in WordPress. Using Isotope.js to make a filterable WordPress portfolio ISOTOPE.JS FILTERING WITH WORDPRESS CATEGORIES A BETTER WAY TO IMPLEMENT ISOTOPE IN WORDPRESS JQUERY ISOTOPE PLUGIN ON WORDPRESS – HOW TO GET ISOTOPE WORKING The Bedroom Wall example


WordPress select menu navigation for mobile sites

The first option is to follow both of these untried tutorials:  The second option is to try this amazing plugin. 


WordPress – Custom Taxonomy Breadcrumbs

Taken from: While developing a theme that uses custom taxonomies and custom post types, I ran across the need to include breadcrumb navigation to the custom taxonomies. After a couple of days of searching around and not finding any real solutions, I ended up creating my own function to do it. Simply copy this to  Full Article…