Taken from Bill Ericson: http://www.billerickson.net/wordpress-taxonomy-breadcrumbs/ This post has been marked as old. The code might no longer work. Comments have been disabled as this is no longer maintained. Use the search on the right to find a newer tutorial. I’m working on a project right now that uses hierarchical taxonomies, and the client requested a breadcrumb along Full Article…
Query both posts and pages within a loop
Taken from here: http://www.devdevote.com/cms/wordpress-hacks/use-sql-querys-in-the-loop-with-template-tags/ The problem I want to use SQL-querys within the WordPress loop and still be able to use the template tags. In this example I want both posts and pages within the loop. How can I do that? In both query_posts and WP Query I can only get specific posts OR pages, not Full Article…
Archive URL for Post Type and Taxonomy Term
I believe that what you are describing is how WordPress works out of the box. You will just need to create custom links in your sidebar. Something like example.com/?post_type=your-custom-post-type-slug&theme=taco should query for “all custom posts about the theme named taco”. Taken from here: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/17622/custom-post-type-archive-with-dynamic-taxonomy-filtering-is-it-possible
How do you seamlessly switch hosting?
I recently switched a WP site from shared hosting to a VPS and would like to document the process here. Put old host in read-only mode Go to WP Admin -> Settings -> Discussion and check “Users must be registered and logged in to comment” Disable authentication: Create a PHP file inside the wp-content/mu-plugins folder, Full Article…
Change role access to Menus and Widgets
WordPress menus and sidebars/widgets are really powerful modules, but unfortunately it requires Admin user role to edit them. If you would like to allow users with Editor user role to edit any of the widgets or menus, just paste the code below into your themes functions.php file.
Can’t access Custom Post Type posts after update
I also had the same situation (multiple custom post types). To fix this, I modified it like so: You could make that option whatever you wanted, that just seemed to me the quickest way to change it for the second type. Thanks to those of you who made finding this solution relatively painless. Here is Full Article…
Untested – List posts by taxonomy term from a custom post type
Taken from a wordpress support thread: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/custom-posts-type-with-custom-taxonomy-wp_query-1
Query posts by dynamic taxonomies
Get a posts taxonomy terms as text – can use for dynamic queries
Echoing the list of terms (for a taxonomy called on-draught). This is similar to the output from get_the_term_list, but without the terms being hyperlinked: