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Build or add to a query in WordPress

Get your queried vars from the original query. $query or $query_vars Merge that with your own array, then pass that array into query_posts. Try this for the args array. The array_filter removes any empty/false/null values from the query_vars array when merging..


Feature image is missing in the WP admin sidebar

For me, “Featured Image” was still missing from the Screen Options tab, even after clearing the cache and restarting the browser. In my case the problem was related to having a WordPress 3.2 Multisite install. With this setup, the Media upload buttons must be checked in Network Admin to enable the featured image meta box  Full Article…


Check If a Post has a Term from a specific Custom Taxonomy

See this page for the original source: As of WP 3.2 – there’s no core conditional function for checking whether a post belongs to a taxonomy term. A bit of searching around found this WordPress Support forum post by Justin Tadlock explaining how do check against a specific taxonomy. I’ve expanded this function a little bit  Full Article…


How to handle multiple feature images per post

There is a great plugin for this: These are the bits of code needed to use the plugin. I add this code to the functions file. It sets up new feature images and assigns custom sizes for them if necessary: Then I use this code in my template files to display the new selection  Full Article…


Add Tags and Categories to WordPress Pages

Some projects call for unconventional practices. Adding categories or tags to WordPress pages is probably one of the practices. Add this code as well and you will ensure that pages are also displayed in WordPress archives and post lists: Line 5 is kind of important. Here you can use Conditional Tags to prevent pages from being added  Full Article…


Custom Post Type Archives & URLs

Templates and Heirarchy Default WP archives for Custom Post Types Here’s one little gem for accessing default genearted archives if you are using WordPress 3.1 or higher: This should query for “all custom posts about the theme named taco”. Plugin: Custom Post Type Archives Enables pretty permalink custom post type archives that will support  Full Article…


Mailchimp utilities for WordPress

Official Subscribe Widget MailChimp List Subscribe Form – This option is not to flexible you can only have your widgets subscribing users to one of your lists. Get it here. Unofficial Subscribe Widget MailChimp Widget – Adds a widget that allows your users to sign up for your MailChimp mailing list. You can have a  Full Article…