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Get various taxonomy queries and information

Unfortunately (in my eyes)I haven’t found a way inside a post or page to query what taxonomies have beenused to apply terms. This for me would be a bit of a holy grail. Anyeway – these are the bits and pieces I have developed when trying to get various bits and pieces of information from  Full Article…


Query only posts with thumbnails

The issue with the coide for displaying only posts with thumbnails in the past has been that you query the posts type and then put a ‘if has post thumbnail’ conditional in the loop. This means that if you wanted 12 posts and that how many you get in the query, maybe only 6 have  Full Article…


Prevent an Editor from adding Administrator users

Would you like for the client to have the ability to create new user as with the roles of a Contributor, Subscriber, Editor and Author, but NOT Administrator. The new users the client creates should not have the Administrator role. It’s actually pretty easy. You need to filter into map_meta_caps and stop editors from creating/editing  Full Article…


Create a mobile version of a WordPress website

Please note that this guide is for setting up an alternate mobile subdomain (or domain) which mirrors content from a parent website. See the PixelPress projects for the RiAus Website Network using WordPress Multisite for this code in use. This guide follows the steps listed below: Set up a parked domain (usually in cPanel) Add  Full Article…


Get Post ID outside the Loop as PHP variable

In the wordpress loop section, each posts displayed on the page with defined format along with such criteria decided by administrator. The Loop template tag the_ID can be used to easily display the post’s ID inside the post. Alternatively, inside the the_content filter, declare $id global and use $id to retrieve the post ID. the_ID  Full Article…


Add Excerpts to Page

Drop this line in your active theme’s functions.php file and you’re good to go… probably forever!