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Advanced Custom Fields – Shortcodes

Here’s how it works: [acf field=”{$field_name}”] or: [acf field=”{$field_name}” post_id=”{$post_id}”] or to get a value from an ‘options’ page use this: [acf field=”no_donations_notice” post_id=”option”]


Deleting WordPress Comments in Bulk

Run the below query if you wish to bulk delete all the pending comments in wordpress. To run the query select SQL, paste the query and click GO. DELETE from wp_comments WHERE comment_approved = ‘0’ Run the following query if you wish to bulk delete all approved comments in wordpress DELETE from wp_comments WHERE comment_approved  Full Article…


Bulk delete WordPress posts

Taken from WP Stackexchange Don’t try to Bulk delete WordPress posts with SQL. There is post information is multiple tables. You will end up with orphan data scattered throughout the database. While it is possible to write the JOINs you’d need to delete everything, the SQL could be complex. Create a simple Loop and use the  Full Article…


How To Remove Error Notices Using WordPress’ WP_DEBUG

As seen here: In your `wp-content` folder create a new folder called `mu-plugins` and in that folder create a php file with the error level you want, for example: If you are using PHP 5.5 +, you will get deprecated noticed for WordPress’s mysql_* functions, you can turn them off using: Or for something really  Full Article…


Enqueue/Include neutral urls for http and/or https in WordPress

Taken from here: URLs must have a https or http protocol for WordPress to enqueue them. FIf possible you should use get_template_directory_uri() (for parent themes) or get_stylesheet_directory_uri() (for child themes) as both of these handle SSL if necedssary. Here’s an example: If you can’t enqueue your own local script/s and have to enqueue from an  Full Article…


How to change your password

This appeared to not be possible for a while, hence creating this note on where it is hidden away once you are logged into After some more looking, and a bit of searching, I found that the View your profile link can be found specifically on the Forums. Notice that the View your profile is at the top right  Full Article…


WooCommerce Breadcrumbs – Add categories

Customers generally prefer product breadcrumbs that show the steps it took to get to the product they are viewing, so they can backtrack easily. Breadcrumbs, if you aren’t sure, are the row of links above the main content, below the header, that look like: Home > Catalog > Clothes > Men’s > Shirts > Blue  Full Article…


WordPress Most Related Posts in 4 Steps

Original found here: WordPress Most Related Posts in 4 Steps To implement a WordPress Related Posts section that displays the posts with the highest number of common tags follow the next steps: Choose or declare a thumbnail size. You’ll probably want to show thumbnails like the ones above. Those are the posts’ featured images. You’ll  Full Article…