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Get WooCommerce to automatically recreate pages?

What ended up working for me was adding “&install_woocommerce_pages=true” to the Settings page URL. For example: http://YOURDOMAIN/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woocommerce_settings&install_woocommerce_pages=true


RSS in WordPress

Resources taken from here: Digging into WordPress WordPress feeds enable your visitors to subscribe to your content for use in their favorite feed-reader. For example, subscribing to the main-posts feed and/or the comments feed is a great way for your readers to stay current with all the latest from your site.   With WordPress, you  Full Article…


How to enqueue Scripts & Stylesheets to WordPress via a plugin

Taken from here: For that extra level of safety and control, we recommend enqueuing via a separate  dedicated plugin. In the video, I demonstrate how simple this is. Firstly, create a folder within WordPress’ plugin folder located at /wp-content/plugins/. Name your folder something useful like ‘theme-scripts’ and create a php file with the exact same name  Full Article…


Track PDF Downloads With Google Analytics

Taken from here: In the past, it has often been an extensive process to track PDF downloads with Google Analytics. Usually, you would need to add event tracking to every PDF file on a website in order to track the number of downloads. Some companies have spent quite a lot of money to organise a  Full Article…


Creating a Foundation 4 WordPress theme

In the first version of Foundation 4 I found a JQuery conflict when creating a WordPress theme. This fix resolved me issue. Note the later releases of Foundation 4 may not require this fix. Kudos to Radek Stangel. Menu toggle in top-bar (on small screen size) doesn’t work when you use default WordPres jQuery (version 1.8.3), however it  Full Article…


WooThemes Updater plugin – An unexpected error occurred

Taken from the WordPress support forums. Numerous people don’t appear to be able to install the WooThemes Plugin Updater plugin. Here is a link to manually download and install it. The Updater plugin can be downloaded here:


WooCommerce – Export CSV with custom meta fields

Taken from the WooCommerce documentation: This post is in relation to the ‘Order/Customer CSV Exporter‘ plugin. Adding custom meta fields to exports Starting from version 1.6 there has been possibility to add custom meta fields to the orders export csv output. Adding custom meta fields to the export can be done using ’woocommerce_export_csv_extra_columns’ filter. Below  Full Article…


Formidable Registration Goodies

Download latest version at Important: Versions 1.0rc4+ require Formidable v1.6+ In your WordPress admin, go to “Plugins” -> “Add New” and click the “Upload” link at the top of the page. Click the “Browse” button and select the zip file you just downloaded. Go the the “Plugins” page, find “Formidable Registration” and click “Activate”. Go to  Full Article…


Resolving The WordPress Multisite Redirect Loop

Taken from Tom McFarlin. Though I do the majority of my work using single site WordPress installs, there are a number of sites and projects in which I’ve used WordPress multisite and there’s a problem that I’ve experienced specifically with using WordPress multisite, subdomains, and shared hosting environments. Specifically, the problem is this: Install WordPress  Full Article…