Updating your Database Prefix Each installation of WordPress will include a small prefix for the database tables. So whenever you generate a new database for your website the tables will be created as wp_tablename. But if somebody can gain access to your database or even into a shell command in your server, it would be all Full Article…
Responsive WordPress Images
WordPress has a few default classes used for things like image alignment, galleries and other html output by core features. This is a combination of the styles found in the default WordPress TwentyEleven theme, and some modifications of my own. Include this snippet with your css to save a bunch of time building your responsive Full Article…
Responsive WordPress Menus
Taken from Studio Nashvegas: http://www.studionashvegas.com/responsive-design-2/a-responsive-menu-solution-for-wordpress/ Here is a working example of the responsive select menu: http://www.outandaboutmarketing.com/ A few months ago I modified a really cool WordPress template and started using it for my own clients. As part of the overhaul, I realized that there was no really good way (included) to turn a WordPress unordered list into Full Article…
WordPress get_categories queries
Get only the top level categories. There is no depth parameter on the get_categories function, this query and foreach loop will ensure only toplevel categories are displayed: This query will get just the child categories of a given parent: In conjunction with the ‘Custom Taxonomy Order‘ plugin and an orderby parameter of ‘term_order’, the two queries Full Article…
Change Your Database Prefix to Improve Security
Taken from Dig WP: http://digwp.com/2010/10/change-database-prefix/ One of the awesome things about WordPress is that it’s a dynamicpublishing system that uses a database to store your site’s information: posts, options, plugin and theme settings – all of this data is stored in your site’s database. It’s like the brain of your WordPress installation. Unfortunately the WordPress database is also a prime target Full Article…
Renaming WordPress Custom Post Types and Taxonomies
Taken from this Stack Exchange Thread: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/1037/renaming-custom-post-types-and-taxonomies SQL query for renaming the posts: SQL query for renaming taxonomy: That should take care of all of the database areas. Just remember to match the new names in the code where the post types or taxonomies are registered. As far as I know, this is not handled in Full Article…
wp_nav_menu – Make Links Open In A New Window
Taken from here: http://techstudio.co/web-design/the-best-way-to-make-links-open-in-a-new-window The old method for setting links up to open in a new window causes validation errors in xHTML. The right way is to use the following markup. But for that markup to work the following Javascript must be included in your document.
Internet Explorer 8 and disappearing images
I recently ran into a problem that was really hard to figure out. I was working on a responsive design where I used img {max-width:100%;} to make sure that images would be downsized rather than overflow in narrower viewports. It worked great everywhere… until I went to check in IE8. The site’s logo was gone! None of Full Article…