Taken from Stack Exchange: http://stackoverflow.com/a/12473481/2821561 We eventually found the answer to this. Excel will only respect the escaping of commas and speech marks if the column value is NOT preceded by a space. So generating the file without spaces like this … … fixed the problem. Hope this helps someone!
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WooCommerce – Export CSV with custom meta fields
Taken from the WooCommerce documentation: http://wcdocs.woothemes.com/user-guide/extensions/ordercustomer-csv-exporter/#section-4 This post is in relation to the ‘Order/Customer CSV Exporter‘ plugin. Adding custom meta fields to exports Starting from version 1.6 there has been possibility to add custom meta fields to the orders export csv output. Adding custom meta fields to the export can be done using ’woocommerce_export_csv_extra_columns’ filter. Below Full Article…