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Tag Archives: multisite

Resolving The WordPress Multisite Redirect Loop

Taken from Tom McFarlin. Though I do the majority of my work using single site WordPress installs, there are a number of sites and projects in which I’ve used WordPress multisite and there’s a problem that I’ve experienced specifically with using WordPress multisite, subdomains, and shared hosting environments. Specifically, the problem is this: Install WordPress  Full Article…


Setting up (Apache) Localhost subdomains

This took me ages to work out – I found most online tutroials were vague and/or referenced different files than what is found in my MoWeS installation. I have setup a local testing domain for CAMD: camd.loc I wanted to run a WP Multisite install with subdomains such as: members.camd.loc Anyway – this is what  Full Article…


Remove WordPress Multisite data

Lots of articles are written across the web about how one can use WordPress Multisite capabilities to power several blogs from one installation. This feature comes from WPMU being merged into WP. Recently I was working with a client, which was stucked in between of the process of setting up and wanted me to complete  Full Article…