- Is there data in this profile that I might need later on? If so, you may not want to delete the profile. Once a profile is deleted, all data associated with that profile is also deleted. Also, a deleted profile will no longer collect incoming data, so make sure all active GA code on your site(s) is going into a profile that you plan to keep active.
- Do I have the proper access to delete a profile? If you are an administrator for the account, then the answer is yes. If not, you'll need to either work with an administrator to gain access or have them delete the profiles/web properties for you.
- What if I don't want to lose the data in an older profile, but I want to keep my users from accessing it for reports? For non-Administrators, you can adjust which profiles they can see or access through the "Users" tab under the account or profile settings. For administrators, consider renaming the profile in the "Profile Settings" tab to something like "Archived - [Old Profile Name]" so users know this is not an active profile.
- November 21, 2012 @ 13:23:51 [Current Revision] by PeterLugg
- November 21, 2012 @ 13:23:35 by PeterLugg
Revision Differences
There are no differences between the November 21, 2012 @ 13:23:35 revision and the current revision. (Maybe only post meta information was changed.)
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