The jQuery Script
[js] <pre> $("a[href$='pdf']").each(function(index) { pdfLabel = $(this).attr('href'); pdfOnClick = "_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'PDF', 'Download', '" + pdfLabel + "']);"; $(this).attr("onClick", pdfOnClick); });</pre> [/js]How To Find The Results In Google Analytics
When you login to Google Analytics, you can track the downloads through the event tracker with the following steps:- Click on -> Standard Reporting
- Click on -> Content
- Click on -> Events
- Click on -> Overview
- Click on the event category (i.e. ‘PDF’)
- Add the following secondary dimension: ‘Event Label’
- June 26, 2013 @ 01:26:26 [Current Revision] by PeterLugg
- May 31, 2013 @ 01:57:24 by PeterLugg
- May 31, 2013 @ 01:55:01 by PeterLugg
Revision Differences
There are no differences between the May 31, 2013 @ 01:57:24 revision and the current revision. (Maybe only post meta information was changed.)
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