Originally seen here: http://havecamerawilltravel.com/photographer/wordpress-thumbnail-crop Thumbnails come in handy in all sorts of places in WordPress. The most obvious is on the homepage with a list of blog posts. You can also use them in the content of a post. And depending on your theme, they can also be used on category listings, tag listings, search results, Full Article…
WordPress custom image size cropping
Taken from: http://www.danielauener.com/wordpress-custom-image-size-crop-how-to-fix/ If you are using custom image sizes in your WordPress theme you likely know the problem. Cropping, rotating or flipping an image via the WordPress image editor, works just on the original. After editing the image is not available in your custom sizes anymore, all you get in your theme is the edited Full Article…
Modify Youtube Oembed URLs
Expanded from here. There are different methods for modifying Youtube’s iframe url to get the look and feel you want for your embedded youtube video. WordPress offers Oembed functionality which makes it easy for WordPress users to input youtube urls into metaboxes, content, etc. What is not as straight forward is altering the appearance that Full Article…
Define a specific width for native WordPress galleries
Put this into a plugin or your function.php file. Change the content_width variable your desired pixel value.
Resolve an issue when multiple oEmbed videos become the same
See the issue documented on this page where two different YouTube oEmbeds on the same page display the same video after someone has viewed the page, browsed to another page and then used the back button to return to the page with multiple video oEmbeds. Here’s my own assessment of the issue and my fix. The issue Full Article…